Is BREXIT likely to impact U.S. sawn wood markets?

As a consumer and producers of hardwood and softwood, Britain is a key customer for U.S. forest products producers. A June 23 vote to leave the European Union has depressed the British Pound, limiting its buying power in the short term.
North American hardwoods are a favorite among British cabinetry and casegoods producers. The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is the international trade association for the U.S. hardwood industry and hardwood product trade associations, representing the U.S. hardwood exporters at European trade shows like Interzum.
AHEC runs a worldwide program to promote the full range of American hardwoods in over 50 export markets, with its European efforts based in London. It also sponsored a major design initiative to promote U.S. hardwood usage, WishList. And it promotes projects made with U.S. hardwoods.
A report developed for the U.K. government shows that construction consumes 60 percent of or more of all sawn softwood used, depending on the level of construction activity.