New Forest Technology Frontiers: Interview with Anna-Greta Tsahkna of Timbeter.
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on their expectations regarding future forest sector development. For the 6th interview in our series, we sat down with Anna-Greta Tsahkna, Chief Executive Officer for Timbeter.

New Forest Business Frontiers: Interview with Justas Kaveckas of FOROS Forest Auction House.
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on their expectations regarding future forest sector development. For the fifth interview in our series, we sat down with Justas Kaveckas, CEO & Founder of FOROS Forest Auction House.

New Forest Technology Frontiers: Interview with Rolf Schmitz – CEO & Co-Founder of CollectiveCrunch.
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on their expectations regarding future forest sector development. For the fourth interview in our series, we sat down with Rolf Schmitz – CEO & Co-Founder for CollectiveCrunch.

New Forest Certification Frontiers: Interview with Krzysztof Wypij of Bureau Veritas.
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on why this conference was needed and what are their expectations regarding future forest sector development, especially after post COVID era. For the third interview in our series, we […]

New Forest Investments Frontiers: Interview with Björn Lyngfelt of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA).
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on why this conference was needed and what are their expectations regarding future forest sector development, and its contribution to climate change mitigation efforts. For the second interview in […]

New Forest Business Frontiers in the Baltic Rim Transition Countries: Interview with Arne Rørå of NORSKOG.
In advance of the International Forest Business Conference on December 7-8, 2020, we interviewed a few of the event sponsors and partners to hear their perspectives on why this conference is needed and what are their expectations regarding future forest sector development, especially after post COVID era. For the first interview in our series, we […]

Profitability and Risk Sources in Global Timberland Investments
Researchers from two forestry consultancy companies and two universities established a cooperation to analyze the profitability and risk sources in global timberland investments. Authors of recently published scientific paper in the Journal of Forest Policy and Economics have examined what are the main factors that influence internal rates of returns (IRRs) in several global timber […]

Development of hybrid poplar plantations hampered by biomass prices
Łódź, POLAND – MAY 08, 2019 – a new publication from Forest Business Analytics has shown that current market pricing for forest biomass produces negative financial returns from hybrid poplar biomass plantation investments in the western U.S. Our results show that without a significant material increase in the biomass price, improvements in plantation yields or […]

Special Issue on Timberland Investments, Supply Chain and Market Dynamics
We invite you to contribute to a Special Issue of Journal of Forest Policy and Economics that will be dedicated to forest investment and finance. The proposed issue will publish peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Forest Business Conference (IFBC2018) held in Poland on 6-8 June 2018. In addition, this issue will include papers on similar […]

Does the wood market work in Central and Eastern European (CEE) Region? Analysis of New Forest Business Frontiers.
Tens of thousands of trees have been brought down by storms that wreaked havoc across northern and western Poland on August 11th in 2017. Storms brought down around 10 million cubic metres (Mm3) of lumber across 80 000 hectares of forest (total annual harvest in Poland is around 40 Mm3). The question is, how this massive […]